1. 项目名称:English & Professional Immersion(EPI)Program
2. 项目历史:This will be the 26th EPI program since its development in 2001.
3. 项目性质与目的:multi-national summer internship and English program ,designed to engage students from our partner institutions in all facets of American life.
4. 项目内容:Ø Intensive professional English classes
Ø Volunteer internship assignments
Ø Cultural field trips and activities with collegiate ambassadors
Ø Career readiness workshops to help students in their future job
5. 项目时间:Probably July 14th through August 15th.(still finalizing)
6. 项目费用: $3,950 per student includes all program components (classes and materials, seminars, internship experience, cultural field trips, transportation for program components, etc.), access to the University of Missouri Recreation Center (ranked as one of the best university facilities in the entire nation), MU libraries, MU computer labs, approximately 10-15% of meals (during orientation, other program events, and field trips), and all housing costs (housing is located within walking distance of MU and downtown Columbia and is shared with other EPI program participants).
7. 项目实习合作单位:
· City of Columbia Public Communications Office
· University of Missouri Office of Admissions
· US Geological Survey – Columbia Environmental Research Center
· Bleu Restaurant and Bistro
· Lee Expressive Arts Elementary School
· MU International Center
· Ulysses S. Grant Elementary School
· Boys & Girls Club of Columbia
· Mustard Seed Fair Trade
· University Affairs
· Hampton Inn & Suites
· Tigers Credit Union
· Columbia Daily Tribune
· KOPN Community Radio
· Perry Legend Collision Repair
· Columbia Regional Hospital
8. 其他收获:
Students who complete all of the required activities and do their presentation at the end of the program will receive certificates for both of these components.
9. 更多信息请关注该校网站:
1. 请参考:EPI_Contract_S12_SAMPLE(附件一)(仅供参考,具体行程略有更新)
2. 感兴趣的申请者须向MU提交以下材料,放到同一个pdf里面:
l 申请表: EPI_Application_-_CURRENT(附件二)
l 资产证明书:Affidavit_of_Support(附件三)
3. 请申请的同学于4月18日前邮件提交:
l 填好的申请表和资产证明书,放到同一个pdf里面;
l 填写好的赴外学生项目申请表(见附件4,Word,附右上角的一寸照)
要求: 以上两份材料打包,以一封邮件,邮件主题和文件命名:“学号+专业+姓名+申请密苏里大学暑期项目”,发到商英学院国际项目中心邮箱:ipo_seib_gdufs@163.com (注意单词间下划线)进行申请,待学院审核后推荐参加(签证费用须自付)。